Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Tomato Soup and Tsunami Advisory

Today I washed my hair in tomato soup. It was disgusting, and the entire shower turned out light red. I’m not trying to dye my hair pink or anything, it was a desperate attempt to get the green tint out of my normally blond hair. I googled it (it’s amazing how you can google anything), and I found a lot of people suggesting tomato soup. I went to a pool (and hot tub) party on

Sunday, and when I looked myself in the mirror Sunday night, my ends had turned green from the chlorine. I’ve heard about it, but I’ve never had that happen to me before, so I had no idea what to do, so I googled it. This morning I found myself in the shower with a can of tomato soup and a can opener, and a few minutes later I found myself pouring tomato soup in my hair… And all of a sudden I panicked! My hair had turned pink, and I decided that a few green ends were better than my entire hair turning pink. So I washed the tomato out right away, resulting in… The green ends still there. Well well – this is the kind of problems we’re facing out here. Pool parties lead to green hair. I guess I can live with that.

Yesterday there was another potential problem (or rather disaster??) facing us. Because of the Samoa earthquake a tsunami advisory was issued for Hawaii. It was in effect for a little more than an hour, but was cancelled again, but I still had to promise my mom not to go to the beach… Even with a potential tsunami on its way the beaches were still crowded with tourists enjoying their vacation and most surfers refused to get out of the water. We figured that we’d be fairly safe up here on the eight floor. At least as long as our apartment is still standing…

Sunday morning we had our Graduate Student Organization Welcome Picnic. I think it turned out a success. Since we have had our almost unlimited budget cut to zero, we had to be creative, so for the first time we had a potluck this semester. We had about 30 graduate students showing up, from almost every corner of the world, so the buffet turned out really interesting. There was homemade

sushi, a Slovakian mango cake, BBQ pork, pasta salads, cookies and lots of good stuff.

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