Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Something totally unexpected seems to be interfering with my Hawaii vacation...

I’m sorry you haven’t heard from me for quite a while, however, something totally unexpected has been taking up a lot of my time: School! (Can you believe that??) As my good friend Christina expressed it yesterday while tanning on the beach: School is seriously interfering with our Hawaii vacation! I just realized that I have no time for school. I mean, why waste time on school when all I really wanna do is to go to the beach with friends (without text books…), go diving with sea turtles, play the ukulele with Mette and Christina, dance hula, play tennis with Jonas, work out with Hege, more importantly drink beers on the lanai with Hege, plan events with Danish Dynamite and GSO, go on road trips around the island with everybody, drink ice coffee at Starbucks, have dinner at Cheescake Factory, and last but not least: Go to Mooses for 1$ drinks on Tuesdays, go to Magoose for cheap beer on Thursdays, go out dancing on Saturdays and relax by the pool with hangovers on Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays… School just doesn’t fit into my life right now! Suggestions anyone? (I can tell Hege totally agrees. While I've been blogging she’s been making seriously frustrated noises while trying to complete an assignment. And she doesn’t look to happy either. I just don’t think school is our kind of thing at this point in our lives…)

Well, apart from getting frustrated about the fact that I actually have to attend school 6 hours every Thursday, I’m doing… pretty good! I’m getting the best of my life in Hawaii these days. I feel kind of stressed out, but really… I shouldn’t complain. I get a little stressed out every time I feel my tan is fading cuz I don’t get to go to the beach for a few days. Tomorrow morning I’ll be taking Ukulele lesson with Mette, and Wednesday morning Jonas will kick my ass in a tennis match. Tuesday night all the Danes meet up at Mooses for one dollar drinks, and every Tuesday night I will spent a considerable amount of time contemplating about the fact that I can drink around twelve gin and tonics in Hawaii for the price of one in Oslo. So – why not drink twelve? (Because if I did…. Jonas would really kick my ass in tennis Wednesday morning. Not that he isn’t doing that anyways….) So, my life is kind of getting into a routine. A good one though!

Anyways… I’ve joined 24hourfitness without really having the time to go there. And I feel bad about not working out, living in Norway I used to go to the gym at least four days a week. Thinking about it, I guess I just didn’t have anything better to do up there in the snow. Over here I might get fat – but Hey! I’m having the time of my life, so who cares anyways.

Another thing… I really wish I had more time to write personal emails to all of you back home. I hope it will get better when things settle down a little bit. Or maybe when I drop out of school? (Don’t be surprised if I drop out and pursue a career in hula dancing or Ukulele playing. Or maybe I should rather do my MBA concentration in scuba diving with sea turtles?)

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