Saturday, September 27, 2008

It's time for updates on the Aloha blog! According to Hallvard at least...

I think it’s about time for some action on this blog. Well - that’s not exactly true. Hallvard, my Norwegian friend, thinks it’s about time for me to update the blog, so I’d better just do it before my fellow bloggers get another chance to bug me for missing updates. If you scroll down on the left side you’ll find a link to Hallvard and Susannes blog and Christinas blog. Christina, Hallvard and Susanne and I are kind of competitive when it comes to blogging. Since we do most things together, we’re always trying to be first on the blog with the breaking Hawaii news. Also, if I haven’t been blogging for a few days you are likely to be able to get an update on my life through their blogs, and you’ll get to hear the same story from three different perspectives. I don’t know where I’m going with this; however, Hallvard and Susanne have posted the coolest video ever on their blog! It turns out that the water from the tap here in Hawaii is so clean that it doesn’t freeze when you put it in the freezer! It doesn’t freeze until it comes into contact with something else than water, so when they poured the ice cold water in a glass with ice tea in it the water froze immediately. It’s really cool, you should check out the video. It looks really weird… Hawaii is actually one of the places in the world with the cleanest water. Although I think I liked the Norwegian water better…

Well – I guess this blog should be about what I’ve been up to lately. Lots and lots and lots of stuff… But nothing that interesting really. Lots of fun though! I haven’t done any cool dives or interesting road trips, but I’ve been trying to get into the new routine of living in Hawaii again. I’ve been dooing some school work of course. In my law class I’m working on a big Enron case, and in my Econ class I have to do a presentation on Denmark and the Euro. Both cases are really interesting. But that’s not so interesting to blog about or read about I guess. Other from that I’ve been playing tennis a few times. We have tennis courts five minutes from where I live that we can use whenever they are available. It’s a lot of fun, but it’s exhausting to play tennis in the sun when it’s 25-30 degrees outside. It’s good exercise though, as I’m not a very good tennis player, so I really get to do a lot of running trying to get the ball over the net…

I almost forgot… I’ve been taking Ukulele classes! A ukulele is a very small Hawaiian guitar with only four strings. It’s the one Iz is playing on the Somewhere over the Rainbow song – I really like the sound of it. And it’s a lot of fun, but it’s hard for me not to play guitar on it cause I’m so used to playing the guitar. But I’ll get better and if you come and see me here I’ll play the ukulele for you. It was Mette who suggested we should take ukulele classes together. Mette is a Danish girl who’s been living in Hawaii for five years. I met her coincidently one day at Mooses. She came to Hawaii on vacation five years ago, fell in love with her surfing instructor, married him and she’s been out here ever since. It’s kind of a crazy story, but I’m so glad I’ve met her because she’s been here so long that she is almost local… She plays the ukulele and dances hula!

I guess another thing that has been taking up some time is… partying and going out. Surprisingly! Today we were talking about how cheap it is to go out over here. Drinks and beers are about one third of the price you’d have paid in Norway for the same thing. Well – after a few minutes it kind of struck me that it might be cheap over here… But if I go out twice as often as I did living in Oslo… I’m not really saving any money. (And I do go out a lot more!) I’m just having a lot more fun for less money… I guess that counts too!! Hehe….

Also, the first visitor has announced his arrival to the Sandwich Isles! Christer is visiting for two weeks in November. I can’t wait to see him and show him Hawaii. Maria who’s right now doing an exchange program in Canada has also talked about coming out for a long weekend. I really hope she will, I absolutely love being able to show people why I love these Islands! I also thought about going to see her in Canada for a long weekend. I’ve never been to Canada so this would be a good chance to go there.

I guess that’s it for now. I think Hallvard will be very pleased with my blogging efforts. If not, I’ll hear from him tomorrow. We’re going to watch American Football tomorrow – I’m exited.

1 comment:

  1. Godkjent oppdatering dette, Katrine. Enron skriver vi om også nå. Bare å faxe over oppgaven din, så vi har noe å gå etter. Du skriver vel ikke tilfeldigvis en marketing for Harley Davidson óg? Snakkes på grillings. Knus og mos, Hallvard.
