Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Diving Corsair

Today Jonas and I did two beautiful dives out of Hawaii Kai. Both dive sites were unique in their own way. The first site was The Corsair Wreck, a plane that was sunk back in 1948. Here’s a little history on that:

The plane was sunk , well actually ditched back in 1948. On a routine mission from Pearl Harbor the Captain suddenly realized his fuel gauge needle was falling quickly. Thinking it was just a faulty gauge he pressed on. Soon after he began to experience engine sputter then ultimately failure set it. He landed the plane in flying configuration with the wheels up and flaps slightly extended. The water landing was perfect, the plane actually sunk intake with no damage whatsoever. The Captain was rescued later alive in his life jacket.

Visibility was great, and even though this wreck is considered an advanced dive, I had no problems what so ever. (I’m only Padi Open Water certified…) 40 meters below the surface the wreck emerged from the blue, and plenty of Hawaiian fish surrounded the sunken plane just to make the setting absolutely beautiful. This was my first dive since Florida last December, and every time I do another dive I’m reminded of why I’m doing it… The underwater world is so … different! Down there I forget everything that’s above the surface, and the only world that exists is fish, bubbles, turtles, wrecks, colorful corals etc. It’s hard to explain. You haven’t tried it, that’s something I’d recommend to everybody.

The second dive was very different, but equally good. It was a shallow dive (around 15-18 meters). Corals and fish weren’t so special, but we got to see and swim with humongous sea turtles! I think I recall I wrote the exact same thing last night on this blog, nevertheless, I’ve never seen sea turtles that big! They were HUGE! And I was there, right next to them, swimming with them… I think we saw at least ten of them today. The instructor took lots of pictures of me and the turtles; I’ll post them as soon as we get them. Me and Jonas will probably go down to the dive shop and get them on Wednesday.

I’m a litlle disappointed that I didn’t get to see any sharks today, I really wanna see sharks when scuba diving. The only time I’ve seen a shark was while snorkeling in Florida Keys, and I have to admit that I hurried back to the boat that day. I don’t want to be floating around the surface like a sea turtle when I see sharks (Sharks feed on turtles…), but I would looove to see sharks while scuba diving. Next time!!

1 comment:

  1. Vi gleder oss til at se billeder! :) Og det dykkersertifikatet må definitivt tas snart... Høres helt fantastisk ut.
