Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Countdown has Started…

One week from today you will find me impatiently waiting in Honolulu International Airport wearing a lei around my neck exited for Micke to return to me and Hawaii.  I can’t believe time is running so fast! In some ways it feels like forever since we said our goodbyes back in Denmark in the beginning of September, but mostly I can’t believe how fast time is running and I’ll see him again in just one week. I’m getting super exited to see him– I’m almost counting the hours now.

I wanna do all kinds of stuff while he’s here. Since he used to live here, we don’t have to do all the typical tourist stuff. I’ve probably been to Pearl Harbor and Hanauma Bay about 10 times with visitors – and those places are most sees when you’re visiting Hawaii for the first time, but… Honestly – I don’t feel a strong desire to go there again. I mean – living in Copenhagen you don’t go visit the Little Mermaid once a month - do you? Oh well - maybe that wasn’t a very good comparison. Hanauma Bay is an extremely beautiful bay where you snorkel with sea turtles, tropical fish in every imaginable color and corals. And not to forget - Japanese tourists…

There still are a few things I haven’t done on this Island that I really wanna do before I’m out of here. I want to hike Stairways to Heaven and I would love to swim with the sharks (in a cage) on the North Shore. Micke has agreed to the hike, but apparently he’s not so keen on the whole swimming with sharks thing. I guess I shouldn’t really blame him… Oh – and while he is here it Halloween! Even better – this year Halloween is on a Saturday – and we’ll turn our place into a haunted house and host a Halloween Party. Lasts year’s party at my old place was…. Out of control but awesome – this year should be equally fun. Or better. Maybe I won’t have to yell at everyone and throw everybody out this time. We’ll see.  I’m definitely capable of making people leave hehe :)

Last night was this semester’s first Sunset on the Beach. I love sitting in the sand at the beach, watching the sunset and listening to live music, eventually watching the stars and a movie. The atmosphere is so special – nothing can beat it really. Sunset on the beach in Hawaii is truly magical.
Saturday was one of those weird days in Hawaii -I was on the beach with my sociology book trying to study for my upcoming midterms. It was a hot day and the sun was shining from an almost clear sky, there were only a few white clouds to be spotted. And then – out of nowhere it starts raining! It happens all the time out here. You’ll look up and you’ll be like WTF – where did that come from? It appears to be raining from a clear blue sky! And if you take a look around you – the rest of the crowd of (Japanese) tourists are also starring toward the sky trying to solve the mystery. But that’s just Hawaii. After a few minutes it’ll stop – and usually the rain feels quite good and refreshing. I guess that’s the reason for all the rainbows you’ll see out here.

I’ve posted some pictures from last weekend’s Toga Party at North Shore – check them out. I had a great time. We were invited to this house party up in Wahiawa – the house… No the mansion was right on the beach and everybody had dressed up in various togas. This Saturday we’re going to another house party up there – should be fun. Unfortunately it’s my friend Morten’s goodbye party – oh well – he’ll be back… Like the rest of us who tried to leave the island :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

School Work Interfers with Beach Life. Again...

I’m flat on the couch listening to music with the AC on. It feels good to do nothing. For a change. I’ve had three busy days in school. That’s likely to be a record. I’m usually not busy in school, and I was hoping this semester wouldn’t be too bad either. I guess it isn’t. But I had a big presentation in my management 7001 class yesterday and a midterm due in my sociology class today. Yesterday we were busy at campus from 9am - 3.30pm. That’s an extremely long day for us – that’s almost like a normal work day! We don’t do long work days over here. So we were exhausted when we finally made it home. School
is beginning to bother me. I try to remind myself I’m here to go to school. I seem to have a hard time accepting that fact. Today I had to spend four hours on my take-home ten page midterm, having submitted it I’m rewarding myself and doing nothing. Not true. I’m watching the sunset from the balcony. It’s all orange and beautiful. I love my life here, and I hope you know me well enough to read between the lines and recognize that I’m not complaining about the workload… I usually don’t do any school work during weekends or later than 7pm. That’s my time of.However, I will probably have to work a little extra in the weeks to come. I want to have finished as much as I can before Micke gets here, so I can spend time with him and not worry about school stuff. (Even though I usually don’t spend much time doing in school work, I do spend enough to get A’s. That’s not gonna change…) He’ll be flying in on Oct 26th and staying for two weeks. I’m excited. He’s here for Halloween – Halloween is so much fun over here – I can’t wait! I’m gonna dress up in my ladybug dress and do my infamous ladybug dance and throw a ladybug party.
The dollar exchange rate is so low at the moment that we had to buy a 32” flat screen TV to save money. That’s the philosophy – the dollar is so weak that the more we spend the more we save and the richer we’ll get. We didn’t actually mean to buy the TV, we just wanted to rent a movie, but all of a sudden we found ourselves impulse shopping

flat screen TVs in Wall Mart. We decided not to rent the $1 movie, instead we went home with the TV and downloaded a movie to save money. The opening of the Victoria’s Secrets in Ala Moana Mall is another great way to celebrate the weak dollar and save even more money. Maria and I did a little shopping spree yesterday and returned home with matching pink bikinis. According to Micke, I cannot buy any additional bikinis (I think I already have 13), and I’m not supposed to buy anything pink. (Half of what I own is pink). But Micke is not here yet – haha…. Pray that the dollar weakens even more so I can save more by shopping more, and that Micke won’t get rid of everything pink in my (walk in) closet when he gets here.
We took advantage of the car parked in our parking stall and went on a small trip to a Halona Beach and Sandy’s this Sunday. It’s nice to get out of the city, and Waikiki beach is too crowded.
(Don’t get me wrong - I’m not complaining, just stating a mere fact: Waikiki Beach is too crowded with tourists). This weekend starts off with at GSO Hanauma Bay Snokeling trip, and Saturday night we’re invited to a house party on North Shore. If we decide to go up there, we’ll probably spend a few hours on some North Shore beach on Sunday. I loooooove NS!
Enough for now. I should get back to the important, time consuming task called doing nothing.