Monday, August 3, 2009

The Revival of the Revival...

I so wish I could call this post the revival of the Aloha Blog, but I've all ready done one of those revival attempts and named a post that. I should be the first to admit that it was a terrible attempt, however, the intentions were good, and that's what really counts - right?? Here's the thing. I'm so unbelievably bored that I've decided to do a second attempt to do a revival of this blog. I'm not sure how it's gonna end up, we'll just have to wait and see about that. That's not the whole truth. I'm even more bored than that. It's somehow embarrassing, but the truth is that I'm so bored that I've begun to stream the entire Paradise Hotel Denmark show. From the beginning...! The worst thing is that it ended months ago and I know who will win and what's happening (I was bored so I googled it...) and I'm still watching it. That's the evil of extreme boredom - Paradise Hotel Denmark!!

Here's the thing... It seems as if fall has come to Norway today. Today is August 3rd. I think it's too early, but then again, I remember living in Oslo and thinking fall came way to early every year, maybe this is just the way it is in this country?? Native Norwegians - please help me out on this one... Is this normal??? Anyways - I ABSOLUTELY HATE IT. The good thing is, that it reminds me of why I'm living on the other side of the globe in sunny Hawaii. It reminds me of why I should never go live in Scandinavia again. The thing is - I tend to forget about it! Being away for so long makes me forget how terrible the scandinavian weather really is, and after a while, I'll actually start fantasizing about moving back here. I've been lucky enough to spent some time in Stockholm this summer, and for a while I really thought I could live there. It such a beautiful city. It breaks my heart, but I'll have to admit that Stockholm is more beautiful than my favorite city, Copenhagen.

But days like these reminds of why I should not move back here. This kind of weather affects my mood instantly, I'll feel depressed and alone and all I wanna do is hide in my room and feel sorry for my self. I literally feel that the quality of my life is so dependent on some decent weather. I need to see the sun once in a while, and I should not live in a country where the sun rises at 11 in the morning and sets again at 3.30 in the afternoon the entire winter. I know it's very different from person to person how the weather affects you, I just know I should live in a country which is warmer and sunnier than the Scandinavian countries are. Somebody PLEASE STOP me if I ever start thinking about moving back here...

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