Friday, October 17, 2008

My Aloha life...

Today I did my last two midterms. That’s it. No more stress until finals begin in December. Both of them were multiple choice with a few essay questions. I think I did all right, it just nice that I don’t have to worry about them any more. I really don’t have too much school work this semester; I think next semester will be a lot worse though…

I’m sitting on the lanai with Hege, watching the moon and drinking red vine. Hege is going to Kauai for the weekend, so I’ll be here all by myself. I don’t have too many plans. Halloween is coming up, so Christiana and I’ll be going to Ala Moana to try on costumes on Sunday. We have decided that we should be insects… I’ll see if I can find a nice lady bird costume. Hege and I talked about hosting a Halloween party… The only thing is we don’t want to get kicked out of the apartment!

I’m a little bored these says cause lots of people are really busy with school and I wanna hang out and do stuff. Or maybe it’s just that the everyday has set inn, and nothing is new and exiting any more. That’s why I can’t wait till Maria and Christer is gonna get here.

Well – I’m exaggerating. It’s not like I’m not doing anything… I guess it just feels like that after a long day of midterms! Yesterday I did an Island Circle tour with Jonas and his parents, and tomorrow morning I’m going diving again. Yesterday we went everywhere… We started the day doing Tantalus drive, enjoying beautiful views of Waikiki and Honolulu. Next stop was Wahiawa Botanical Gardens and after that we had the best pineapple ice cream on the Dole Plantation. We also went to Haleiwa, Laniakea beach to watch the Sea Turtles, and Jonas jumped off the cliff at gorgeous Waimea Bay. We did the Waimea Bay waterfall hike, although there was too much water in the waterfall to swim in it. It’s ironic…. When I was there a month ago there wasn’t enough water in it to go swimming, this time there was too much! We had dinner at a really nice seafood restaurant near Kaneohe and drove home over the pali.

Sometimes I wonder what I’m supposed to do here the next two years. But then again… This morning when I headed to Starbucks to do the final desperate readings before the midterm I looked at the ocean, and I got the chills… Just looking at it makes me feel happy! It’s right outside my door, it’s turquoise and beautiful, and I’ll never grow tired of simply watching it. I can wear flip flops 365 days a year; I only go to school once a week, I get to sit on the lanai and watch the moon and write in my blog every night. At least those nights I don’t go out – hehe… A beer is $3 and a tropical drink is $6! (What else can you ask for having lived in Oslo for almost two years??)…. I never have to set the alarm clock – except on those days where I choose to get up early to go scuba diving or go on road trips. Most days I’ll get up whenever I fell like it. I’m living the good life. I know it, and I do my best to really appreciate it. Soon enough I might find myself in some cold Scandinavian country divorced with two kids and a nine to five job... Arghh!!

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