Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A day in Hawaii

Here’s my day:

Got out of bed this morning at 7.15am. Or rather…. The alarm clock went off for the first time at 7.15 and after hitting the snooze button three-four times; I might have been out of my bed by 7.30. Jumped in the shower, defrosted a sesame bagel for breakfast, and walked the ten minutes down to the dive shop. I got my gear together. (I’ve been diving so many times now, that they have started letting me have all kinds of fancy gear I can’t control… Last time it took my a while to figure out how to get air in and out of the BCD, and on the first dive today down at 35 meters, I had absolutely no idea how much air was left in my tank, cause I’m too blond or whatever to work the dive computer they insisted on giving me. Even the dive instructor couldn’t figure out how to reset the dive computer, so he just told me to stay close to him, and for the rest of the dive I was just kind of… hoping that I wouldn’t have to use the out of air signal…) (And I didn’t – by the way!!)

The trip to Hawaii Kai where we usually dive is about 35 minutes, and the ride to the dive site from the harbor is another 20 minutes. Today we did the Corsair again which I think is always a success, and one the second and shallower dive I got to see tons of sea turtles and a huge moray eel… probably the biggest one I’ve ever seen, kind of scary… But no sharks… I wonder if I’ll ever get to see sharks!! When Christer gets here, I think we’ll do the shark encounter up at the North Shore. They put you in a huge cage, sink the cage into the water and throw out meet for the sharks to feed on. I’ve heard from many who’s done it that’ll you see many and big sharks! Can’t wait… Enough about sharks and diving, this blog has almost turned into dive blog… I never intended for that to happen!!

I was home in Waikiki around 2 pm and joined Hege, Per and Christina at the beach. I did bring my econ book, although I spend too much time chatting and floating around on Christina’s tube to understand any of the GDP and econ terminology I was supposed to be reading about. Well well… I’m not in Hawaii to study econ…. Or am I? Sometimes I tend to get all confused…

We left the beach around 5pm. Hege and I wanted to go running. Today I introduced Hege for the Diamond Head circle run, it’s 8,5 kilometers up and downhill, and we actually ran all the way and finished in less than one hour. We’re really proud of ourselves. And tired… hehe!

Tonight I’ve been so exhausted from all the wannabe holidaying, that I’ve been sitting in front of the computer on the lanai writing a few e-mail and now blogging. I never do homework after 7pm or in the weekends. That’s my time off. This semester is the easiest most relaxing ever… I only have classes on Thursday (occasionally on Fridays, and whenever I feel like it on Mondays. Buy I don’t really feel like it on Mondays, which means I only have to go the university once a week most weeks…. Niiiice!! I’m really enjoying it, cause I’m sure next semester will be a lot worse… It just gotta be!) It’s perfect timing, cause I got visitors coming up really soon. Maria is flying over from Vancouver the day after tomorrow – I can’t wait to see her! (I know I’ve been writing the same thing in every blog entry I’ve done since she told me she would come over, but I’m so exited!)

On Sunday we went to the Halloween store to get our Halloween costumes. I’m not sure why, but about a month ago Christina and I decided, totally out of the blue, that we were gonna dress up like insects. I have no idea why we came up with that idea. (We might have been exposed to a kaka roach or two??) Well, yesterday I was desperately running around the Halloween store to find my anticipated lady bird costume, and I found it! I can’t wait to Halloween to show off my costume… I almost told the lady in the store yesterday that I didn’t need a bag cause I would just leave it on. I came to my senses and didn’t. I brought it home in a bag, but now it hangs in my closet and every time I look at it I wanna put it on and wander around the apartment as a ladybird. I’d better not. There are probably around 200 hotel rooms that have a nice view into our apartment… I really should do my best not to walk around naked or dressed up as a lady bird!

Enough for tonight. Check out the nice (dive) pictures!

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