Thursday, August 7, 2008

My first blog...

So - this is how it works... This would qualify as the first post for my first blog. I guess I never really thought my life was that interesting. Nothing to write about. Or rather... Nothing to read about! But now things are beginning to get a little interesting. Today my visa was finally approved. I had started to get a little anxious about that, but now things seem to start falling into places, and it finally seems as if I'll be moving back to Hawaii. Although, I’m still working on getting used to the thought of moving back. If everything works out as it should, I’ll be back in the Aloha State in just three weeks from today. Unbelievable...

So here I am - blogging. I would like for people back home to have a chance to see what my life will be like in Hawaii. And maybe feel as if they’re not that far away, and that they can somehow still be a part of the life I’ll be living. At least, that thought is somewhat comforting to me. Even though I’ll be moving to the other side of the world, literally, I have no intention of leaving my present life and friends all behind. I have a strong wish to stay in touch with everyone of you, and in most cases, I’m confident I’ll succeed. Therefore - this blog!

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