Friday, December 12, 2008

Flash Flood and Finals

Yesterday was crazy. Living here I’ve experienced quite a few flash floods before, but the one that hit Oahu yesterday was nothing like anything I’ve seen before. In one hour we had 100 mm of rain. By comparison, in Denmark it usually rains 450-850 mm annually. In twelve hours yesterday it rained 350 mm which is more than it usually rains in Denmark in six months. And I thought it rained a lot in Denmark!!

At 2 a.m. the rain and wind woke me up the first time. At 4 a.m. I was wide awake again, and around 6 a.m. I finally gave up on sleeping. I thought I would do the last desperate studying before my finals yesterday, but soon I discovered that we had no power. And since I’m on the 10th floor no power means no water. And no elevator… On Kuhio the lights in the intersection were out, and the police had to direct the traffic. However, the power returned by 8.15 a.m. and I was happy to be able to get in the shower before a long day at the university. Well, I could have spared myself the effort… Walking the 100 meters down to the bus stop I was literally soaked. The umbrella was useless because of the heavy winds, and when the bus finally came I had mascara running down both cheeks and I was soaked all the way to my underwear. No fun when you’re on your way to two final exams, and you have to be at the university for at least 10 hours, and there’s heavy air conditioning inside. I walked around the entire day yesterday thinking that I smelled like a wet dog… When I finally made it home by 8 p.m. there was a glass of red wine and tacos waiting for me…Thanks Hege! Exactly what I needed! I was supposed to go to Susanne and Hallvards for juling and bollefest, however, I was too exhausted and fell a sleep on the couch at 9 p.m. while watching a rerun of Grey’s Anatomy…

Anyways, I think both of my finals went pretty well, and now I have five weeks vacation! FIVE WEEKS! And that just for Christmas! Five weeks is what I had annually while working in Oslo. Next summer I’ll have 3 and a half MONTHS of vacation… Nice. I don’t think I’ll ever go back to work. Studying suits me pretty well…

I have 6 days left on the Island before I leave for Scandinavia. Tonight two of my friends have rented a mansion out in Hawaii Kai, and they’re hosting a biiig pool and Jacuzzi party. I think 75 people have been invited, I can’t wait. I don’t have to worry about studying for any finals or getting up in the morning for a change. I’m exited.

I was planning on spending the last six days before I return to Denmark on the beach trying to get a nice tan, however, it doesn’t seem like the weather agrees with me on that idea. I might return home as pale as the rest of you guys – haha…
Gotta go. I’m off to Ala Moana for some Christmas shopping!! See you soon!

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