Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Here I am!

I’m finally here. So much has happened since you heard from me the last time, and I almost don’t know where to begin. I’m still a little jetlagged, and by forcing myself to stay awake now, I hope to be able to sleep inn tomorrow and get on to the Pacific time zone.

My flight went ok. Well - it was a bit stressful, and I almost didn’t make my LA-Honolulu flight, but I ran through LAX and jumped onto the plane as the very last passenger. Once again, the immigration officer took me into that little dark room and had me sit there for a long time, while he was trying to figure out why in the world I have four different US visas in my passport. Same thing happened when Magnus and I went to Florida in December last year. I’ll sit in that room with all the (other) weird looking (illegal ??) immigrants, and I’ll bite my nails like crazy and pray that they’re gonna let me in. And for some reason, after having answered too many questions like: Why are you entering the US? What was the purpose of the trip you made in 2003 to Florida? When was the last time you entered the US last? Are you going to apply for citizenship? etc. they always have mercy, and let me through the gates. Nevertheless, having travelled for 20 hours, you’re really not up for that kind of interrogation. But Hey – I’m here now! And that’s what really matters.

Today Hege and I finally moved into our new apartment in Waikiki Beach. It really feels good to have unpacked at last, and have a place you can call your own. The apartment is great. The location is even better. For those of you who know your way around Waikiki, we’re right on Kuhio and Paoakalani Avenue. Paoakalini is the street where Tiki’s is right on the corner on Kalakaua, and we’re less than 100 meters from the beach, and very close to Lilioukalani Park and Diamond Head. It’s really perfect!

We’re on the 10th floor in the Scandia Tower building, and from the lanai (Hawaiian for balcony) we have a great view of Diamond Head. The apartment is a two bedroom/two bathroom so I have my own room and my own bathroom. Hege and I share a pretty large kitchen and living room, and last but not least a lanai that is a least 10 square meters. The apartment is furnished and fully equipped. It even has snorkeling equipment, body boards and air mattresses, and of course three TVs. Nothing less is fully furnished here in Hawaii J So please… I have plenty of room and even a bunk bed if someone feels like stopping by!
(Even better…. Starbucks is pretty much just around the corner. I can finally have all the tall-non-fat-decaf- iced-caramel-macchiatos-up-side-down that I can drink!)

I guess that’s it for today. I will go and inaugurate the bunk bed and enjoy that I (almost) have my own place. I feel so lucky. I live on the beach in Hawaii! I almost can’t believe it myself. But it feels right. A lot “righter” than Oslo ever did. (Don’t get me wrong. I somehow did end up loving Norway). But this is where I belong – at least for a few more years. Having spent just a few days here, I now know why I decided to come back here. Hawaii really is beautiful.


  1. Hei Kat! Jeg er så sinnsykt missunnelig på deg akkurat nå. Du aner ikke hvor mye jeg savner Hawaii og drømmer daglig om å dra tilbake dit... Er faktisk en jeg kjenner der nede nå, så det er flere enn deg å være missunnelige på. Anyways! Have fun in the sun and si hi to Hawaii from Knut ;) Knoouud :p

  2. Hej Knuuuuoood! Tak for kommentar! Du har alt mulig grund til at vaere misundelig - men det ved du jo alt om :)KOm og besoeg os!!! Kunne vaere saa hyggeligt.... Wel well - ellers maa du kose dig med sneen langt deroppe i nord!

    Mange knus fra din eks-nabo paa Hawaii :-)
