Friday, July 27, 2012

Guangzhou Living - My New Blog

So, with our move to Guangzhou coming up real soon, I've decided to start a new blog. I fell bad abandoning this blog, but I didn't feel that the name, which is also the url, suits a blog that's gonna be all about moving to and living in China. My new blog is, for those same reasons, called Guangzhou Living, and I hope to be able to document this new chapter in our lives in my new blog.
I've lived in a number of different countries and cultures on previous occasions, however, moving too China will without comparison be the far most challenging move to date. 3 years in Hawaii was great, and even if Hawaii is not really like living in the US, it's much, much more than living in the US, it still has all the amenities and conveniences of living in the US, and life in Hawaii is good and easy. I have now lived 2 years+ in both Copenhagen, Oslo and recently Stockholm, and I've never really enjoyed the climate in Scandinavia. So now it's time to move again. This time, it's the far east that's calling, and our dream of living in Asia is on the verge of coming true. Check out my new blog here.